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We at RE:Frame believe that people who experience systemic oppression due to their race, gender, incarceration, ability, wealth, age, and more, have a lived experience that matters and must be included as an integral part of conversations towards solutions.
We are building a world that does not prioritize adult authority over youth autonomy. We believe in reciprocal learning between youth and adults to bridge generational gaps, promote mutual respect and understanding, and strengthens community bonds. Please read this page to prepare you for your time with us. <3
What is my tone of voice with adults vs young people?
How do I practice body autonomy with adults vs young people?
How do I make decisions with adults vs young people?
What expectations do I have for adults vs young people?
How long have adults talked since a young person spoke?
How are my physical movements and expressions impacting the conversation?
Am I physically showing equal attention and curiosity towards what a young person is saying?
Did I ask to share my opinion or thoughts?
Am I cutting young people off mid-sentence?
Am I expressing myself as a savior using I statements to describe the accomplishments of a young person?

See young people with as much value and experience as adults.
Pay young people for their time, thoughts, and work.
Build payscales and partnership rooted in an asset-based approach focused on strengths and values.
Give Respect and Love, not earn it. Regardless of age.
Ask curious questions to learn more. Not sound curious to be right.
Learn when to be quiet. Learn when other voices need to be heard before your own.
Not see each other as enemies, but a community against colonial white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.
See no “Future Leaders”. Young people to be seen for their current leadership skills and abilities.
Hold no assumptions, only ask questions.